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sea goes down中文是什么意思

用"sea goes down"造句"sea goes down"怎么读"sea goes down" in a sentence


  • 浪静下去


  • The sea goes down .
  • " there s nothing gives you so much courage as good reasons , " continued the sailor ; " and during that time the wind had abated , and the sea gone down , but the water kept rising ; not much , only two inches an hour , but still it rose
    “只要道理讲清了,大家自然勇气也就来了, ”那水手继续说, “那个时候,风势减弱了,海也平静下去了,但水却不断地涨上来,虽不多,只是每小时两寸,但它还是不停地涨。
用"sea goes down"造句  
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